Sunday, February 27, 2011

Lifes to Short

Ten months ago. I lost two very important people in my family, in a tragic accident.  I lost my 7 year old nephew and 33 year old brother in law.
My sister was driving when a car ran a stop sign and hit them so hard it sent them in to a phone pole. My brother law died instantly on April 25th, my nephew died two days later in the hospital after the news that he was not going to make it. It was the hardest thing ever. At the time my husband was deployed and I had to give him the news on his birthday that his favorite nephew was not going to make. All because a man wanted to use his phone. We lost two people because of one bad judgment call. I do believe in forgiveness and hopefully over time I can learn to forgive the man who took to people from my family right now I do not.

I will say though that I learned life is way to short to worry about the past and what tomorrow holds. We need to focus on the now. Tell are loved ones we love them, kiss them when we can, forgive them quickly if you argue, and never go to bed mad at them. Because we dont know what tomorrow hold you just might not get to say your sorry.
I know that if i had a chance I would tell my nephew and brother in law i am sorry for the fight we had and for me saying I never wanted to talk to any of them again. All because of a stupid petty fight that I will alway regret. I know that my sister forgives and they would too if they were alive but my heart cant help but hurt knowing my last words were I hope u have a good life but dont ever speak to me again.
So always forgive quickly and say i love all the time.

military life

Most often as a Navy wife I get, how do you do? Must be nice not having you husband home much? Or one of my favs. I wish I could send my husband away for that long? Now I am not one to complain and I know everyone deal with separation different no matter how long but I do want to let people in one a few thing of what life really is like.
  I can honestly say it never really gets easier them coming and going and being gone for so long. We all just learn ways to deal with them being gone and ways to keep busy so are mind is not racing with what if. Our hearts drop with every unknown knock on the door for the fear it is an officer at the door delivering unwanted news. Some have kids who when there loved one is gone must be both a mom and dad. They must balance there life while being the only provider for love and support to there child. Some of us have no kids and are home most nights alone unless we have a pet to keep us sane. Honestly its no harder for one than the other because everyone of us deals with it differently. We all find things to keep us busy weather it is hang out with friends, work, go to school, or if they do have kids keep up with there kids school functions. Our lives are no better than anyone sometimes more challenging but we our in no way better.
I do not have kids. I have two wonderful dogs who keep me busy. School that I work very hard at so that one day I can make an amazing lawyer. Friends who keep me going when I feel like falling. I dont do this because I want to of have to. I do it because I couldnt help who I fell in love with. This just happen to be the life we were delt and no i wouldnt change it even though I miss him like crazy when he is gone. I hate when he is not home because crappy things always seem to happen and he never can come home so I have to deal with it on my owe and hope that by some miracle I dont mess it. I also hate that hes gone because most often when I need to talk to him or his shoulder to cry on he is totally unreachable. And as far as the people saying you wish you could send urs away that long. By all means please do so. Maybe you wouldnt be so quick to say that you wish you could send them away.
Lifes to short to wish you could send you loved one away for months on end. We never know what tomorrow hold. Never wish that you could have what one person does because you dont know what is really happening in there life